Mental Health Resources for Students and Parents

Community Counseling Referrals

Mental Health Screening Tools
Click here to access tools to gather information about you and/or your student. Feel free to contact Downers Grove South HS school based support (counselors, psychologists, social workers) for further information.


Information to support parents and students:

Growing Resiliency in Teens Together
GRT2 is a parent organzation consisting of parents from the Downers Grove and surrounding areas. This organization provides speakers and other opportunities for parents to connect on parenting issues.

Technology use and related information for parents:

The information provided on this page is not a reflection of the perspectives or views of Community School District 99. The information on this site has been provided as a way to share access to public articles and resources that are currently available for parents/ guardians. The articles reflect the views of the authors only and the topics are directly related to supporting parents and teenagers as they navigate through adolescence.