
student hugging parent during graduation


Report an Absence

For your convenience, parents can report student absences online through their Home Access Center account as well as schedule absences ahead of time. Log in and follow the instructions located in the tab “school links.”

You may also call the school directly at 630-795-8550

(You can find more information on attendance here. For extended absences, please see information below)

Home Access Center

To support students’ academic success and strengthen the partnership between parents, teachers and students, District 99 uses an online system called "Home Access Center" or HAC. This system provides real-time access to classroom grades, daily attendance, schedules, and assignments due. Both guardians and students have access to the system, and have separate logins. For guardians with more than one student at District 99, only one login is required. More information is available here!

View an explanation of the symbols that you may see in the Home Access Center here

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Extended Absences Process

For extended absences, it is important for students to remain current in their homework assignments and class materials. Below are specific locations for homework requests.

Students who have had at least 4 days of continued absence for medically excused absences:

  • Contact the DGS Attendance office to make a homework request.
  • Attendance Office will e-mail all teachers for the student requesting homework.
  • Teachers are encouraged to contact students/parents directly via e-mail with assignments and class materials.
  • For work that cannot be sent electronically, teachers will send work to the Attendance Office within 24 hours of the request.
  • Parent may pick-up the homework in the Attendance Office.
  • Parents may come to school to pick-up a student’s textbooks. Come to the Dean’s Office and a student supervisor will take you to your student’s locker.

Students who have been hospitalized:

  • Contact the Student Support Services office at 630-795-8589 to make a homework request.
  • Secretary in the Counseling Office will email all teachers for the student.
  • Teachers are encouraged to contact students, parents and/or the educational liaison in the hospital program directly via e-mail with assignments and class materials.
  • For work that cannot be sent electronically, teachers will send work to the Counseling Office within 24 hours of the request.
  • Parent may pick up the homework in the Counseling Office.
  • Parents may come to school to pick up a student’s textbooks. Come to the Dean’s Office and a student supervisor will take you to your student’s locker.

