Dr. Singh is a Pediatric Sports Medicine Physician who specializes in non-operative musculoskeletal care. His clinical practice is in Naperville at the Advocate Outpatient Center located at 1508 Aurora Ave. Dr. Singh joined as a Team Physician for Downers Grove North and South High Schools in 2022.
Education and Training
University of California: BS, 2001
Midwestern University, Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine: DO, 2007
Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio: Pediatrics Residency, 2010
Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago: Sports Medicine Fellowship, 2015

Dr. Kirk is a Sports Medicine Physician who specializes in non-operative musculoskeletal care. His clinical practice is in Downers Grove at the Advocate Good Samaritan Campus in the Health and Wellness Center located at 3551 Highland Ave. Dr. Kirk joined as a Team Physician for Downers Grove North and South High Schools in 2022.
Education and Training
College of William and Mary: BS, 2007
Rush Medical College: MD, 2014
Rush Graduate College, MS Biochemisty, 2012
Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago: Family Medicine Residency, 2017
Resurrection Medical Center, Chicago: Sports Medicine Fellowship, 2018