Medication Policy

Community High School District 99 believes that medications should be administered in the home when at all possible. However, if your physician decides it is necessary for your child to receive medication during the school day, a medication authorization with specific directions must be provided to school personnel. It is important to note that students are prohibited from carrying medications or keeping medications in their locker.

Only students authorized to self-administer asthma and/or epinephrine medications pursuant to the regulations on self-administration of asthma and epinephrine medications in school, are permitted to carry those medications on their person.

The first dose of medication must be administered at home. Medications should be brought to school in the container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician and clearly stating the student’s name, medication, dosage and date of expiration. Over-the-counter medications, (also requiring authorization by a physician), must have the original label by the manufacturer with the student’s name clearly marked on the container.

Medication Authorization Forms

Form for Medication Authorization 

  • One side is for the healthcare provider (MD, DO, PA, NP) and the other side is for parent permission for nurses to give their student medication in school.
  • Alternatively a healthcare provider may write a prescription, and the parent must sign the parent authorization on the back of the medication authorization form.