Special Services Supports
School Accommodations and Modifications:
Students with an IEP may need special accommodations or modifications to their educational programs to succeed in school. Determination of appropriate accommodations or modifications for a specific student are determined by the IEP team.
An accommodation allows a student to complete the same assignment or test as other students in their class, but with a variation in time, format, setting or presentation. This adjustment to an assignment or test taking situation does not change the interpretation of the student’s score.
A modification is an adjustment to an assignment or a testing situation that changes the curricular standard for a particular student.
Special transportation is available for students who need additional structure to their daily transportation routes to and from school. D99 works with several different special transportation companies to set up door to door service for these students. If your student attends DGN/DGS and you have a question about special transportation, please call the building’s department secretary below.
DGN Special Services Department: 630-795-8040 or 8042
DGS Special Services Department: 630 -795-8640
If your student attends an outside therapeutic placement or T99, please contact Jeri Powers at jpowers@csd99.org or 630-795-2700
The transportation companies will call families a day or two prior to a new route starting with an approximate pick up time.
All students are expected to comply with the rules and regulations as stated in the Parent Student Handbook, (English and Spanish) which outlines the District 99 discipline policy. For students with a disability, there may be specific circumstances where general policies are not sufficient/effective. As a result, an individual Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) may need to be developed to address these behaviors. If you feel that your student would benefit from this type of plan, please contact your student’s special education case manager.
Related Service Logs:
Students with disabilities may receive related services as part of their individual education programs (IEPs). District 99 will maintain related service logs that record the type and number of minutes of the related service(s) administered to such students. Copies of any related service logs will be available to parents/guardians at their child’s annual review IEP meeting upon request. Parents/guardians of students with disabilities may also request copies of their child’s related service logs at any time.
ESY: Extended School Year
This is a service provided to IDEA eligible students that would demonstrate significant regression over the summer months or require significant recoupment of acquired skill once the new school year begins. This determination is made annually at the students Annual Review meeting by the IEP team.
- June 3 - June 27, Monday - Thursday, 8:30 - 11:30 am
- Class will not meet June 19th
- Location: Transition 99
Registration: If this service is determined relevant for your student at their Annual Review; they will be registered at that meeting by the person conducting the meeting. There is no additional cost to the parent/guardian or additional paperwork to fill out. If you have any questions about D99’s ESY, please contact Lisa Bollow, Director of Special Services at 630-795-7119.
If your student attends a SASED program or a private placement, the process is the same; however, those programs will likely have registration information the parent/guardian needs to fill out. Contact your program’s Administrator for that information.
Extra Curriculars:
Involvement in extracurricular activities are encouraged for all students in D99. Research suggests that students who engage in extra-curricular school activities perform better in school as they feel connected to the larger school community. IDEA covers a special education student’s ability to have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities with the supports and services that are outlined in the IEP. The IEP team would meet to discuss the appropriateness of the extra curricular activity interest and determine what would be necessary to provide the student access. If the student is interested in a particular sports team that requires a tryout in order to make the team roster, the interested student could be provided appropriate support that would enable equal access to the tryout; it does not guarantee the student makes the team. An extensive list of available Activities and Athletics that are available at each school are listed on the school’s website for more information.
In addition, the Special Services Departments sponsor their own extra curricular activities that are outlined below.
- Friendship Club and Peer Buddies: This is a social club for students of all ages of high school that aims to create friendships between students with and without disabilities. The Peer buddies help plan, coordinate and participate in social events with students with disabilities. Some events are: themed parties, holiday events, scavenger hunts, bowling, cooking and attending school dances. :
- Special Olympics: Basketball (Video) and Track and Field
- D99 Special Olympics is a district-wide program for DGN, DGS, and Transition students with cognitive impairments. All players must register and qualify under the Special Olympics Illinois requirements. We currently offer basketball during the winter season and track and field during the spring season. There are opportunities for students without disabilities to volunteer in many capacities. Our goal is to increase school spirit and participation for students with special needs as well as to increase their athletic skills, teamwork, and socialization opportunities.