District 99 Summer School 2025

District 99 offers two three-week semesters over the summer to provide opportunities for students who:

  • Need to repeat a course in order to complete requirements for graduation and to earn credits.
  • Want to repeat a course in order to increase understanding and grade replace previous grade.
  • Choose to enrich and/or accelerate their regular programming
  • Desire additional flexibility in scheduling courses for the regular school year

2025 Summer School Drivers Education course is full but we are accepting students for the waitlist STUDENTS ENROLLED IN SECOND SEMESTER SUMMER SCHOOL WILL RECEIVE A REMINDER EMAIL ON MONDAY, JUNE 16TH 

Summer School for the 2025 school year will be held at Downers Grove South High School.

Bus services are offered to all District 99 students, regardless of if they currently attend Downers North or Downers South.



  • Semester 1: June 2-5, 9-12, 16-18 (3-week block, 11 days total)
  • Semester 2: June 23-26, 30 July 1-2, 7-10 (3-week block, 11 days total)

Most classes meet from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm on the days listed above.

Exceptions are: Drivers Ed, Keys to Academic Success, and AP Chem Prep.



All students are expected to observe the regular school rules, as stated in the district handbook. Regular attendance is mandatory because each class represents a significant portion of the total class time. Vacations, training camps, or competitions are not valid reasons for absences. 

In any course except Driver’s Education, if a student is absent more than two days per semester, regardless of reason, the student will be dropped from the class with no refund of tuition or fees. Additionally, three tardies accumulate to count as one absence.

For Driver’s Education, any absence may result in failure to meet State Driver Education guidelines for attendance and the course. 


Final Exams will be conducted on June 18 and July 10 during the later half of the day.  Final Exams will not be allowed prior to these days.



ESY is a service offered to eligible Special Education students through their Individualized Education Plan. This determination was made at your student's Annual Review meeting and there is no other registration process.  If your student is attending, transportation will be set up on your behalf.  If you have any questions regarding ESY, you can contact Lisa Bollow, Director of Special Services at lbollow@csd99.org or 630-795-7118.

Location: Transition 99
Dates: June 2-26 (excluding June 19th)
Monday- Thursday
8:30 - 11:30 a.m.