MFP Communications Archive

On March 20, 2018, the District 99 Community voted to support Master Facility Plan (MFP). The design process for the MFP involved many people, both internally and in the community. Internally, we formed 13 committees covering various aspects of the plan. Over 200 staff members, students, and community members participated in the process. Groups met throughout the summer and fall of 2018 to review designs and finalize designs. A core team ensured consistency and that the community's values, priorities and project budget were captured in the overall final design.

In addition to the videos and presentations below, District 99 published the following on its website to inform the community about the Master Facility Plan.

Other Videos and Informational Slides 

Community Feedback

We held six community meetings in 2017: April 19, April 20, October 12, October 19, October 21 and October 28. In October 2017, we mailed a printed survey to all households within in the District 99 boundaries; over 4,000 surveys were returned. Read a report of the results here. In addition, a phone poll was conducted; 300 likely voters were reached. Read a report of the results here.

We held Open Houses on February 21 and 22; click here for flyer.
