GS students (l-r) Anna Genin, Maddie Manganiello, Gisselle Cervantes, Bella DiDiana and Ziggy Markowski, with Director of Student Activities Jennifer Martinez and Ed Schwartz, Principal, presented to the Board of Education on February 6, 2017
The District 99 Board of Education held a workshop meeting on February 6, 2017.
Highlights include:
Student Perspective – Gisselle Cervantes and Maddie Manganiello of South High’s Student Athletics and Activities Leadership Team (SAALT) described the all-school philanthropy project to support the Special Olympics. Fundraisers include a Polar Plunge event in Lake Michigan and a Daddy Daughter Dance, both on March 18. Please go to this link to donate. Gabriella (Bella) DiDiana, Anna Genin and Sigmond (Ziggy) Markowski, students with special needs who are involved in athletic programs at District 99 and through the Special Olympics, also shared their experiences with the Board.
“We all have friends or family members who need that opportunity to be involved in athletics or music, just like everyone else,” commented Gisselle. “I love Special Olympics, because it’s not just about athletics, it’s about inclusion in every single aspect of our school, whether it be academics or the music program. To have everyone united in this one project is just really humbling and really awesome.”
Summer School 2016 Recap – Summer School Director Tim Tilton reported that 266 students were enrolled in Summer School 2016. While some programs like the AP Chemistry prep class have grown in enrollment, others, including Driver Education, have declined. Enrollment overall has decreased, which administrators partially attribute to the reduction of failing grades during the school year. The district recommended continuing to use Title 1 funds for transportation and to increase stipends; the Board will vote on the recommendations on February 27. Summer School 2017 will run from June 14-29 (first semester) and July 10-26 (second semester); a course catalogue will be published soon. Please read the full report here.
Civics Requirement – Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning Gina Ziccardi explained that new legislation will require Social Studies classes to include topics related to civics, starting with students in the Class of 2020. Specifically, the course must include: content on government institutions, discussion of current and controversial issues, service learning and simulations of the democratic process. District 99 will embed these requirements into existing classes; over the next year, the district will determine how to embed the “service learning” component into the curriculum.
At District 99, students are required to earn three credits (six semesters) in Social Studies. Freshmen take Global Connections and sophomores take U.S. History or AP U.S. History; juniors and seniors fulfill the third year requirement by taking one of more than 20 electives. Starting with the Class of 2020, students will be required to complete one of five semester long courses: American Government, AP U.S. Government and Politics, Law in American Society, U.S. Foreign Policy or Multicultural Studies in American Society. Please read more about this new requirement here.
Please see the full meeting agenda and supporting materials here.