2023 Summer School Drivers Ed

2023 Summer School Drivers Ed

District 99 2023 Summer School Drivers Ed

Class is currently FULL and we cannot accommodate additional students at this time 


Class dates:  June 5-8, 12-15, 20-22, 26-29, July 5-7 ,10-13

Class Times: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Class Location: Downers Grove North High School

Cost: $250.00 for in-district learners and $670 for out-of-district learners

Note: Students will be given a schedule as we get closer and will not need to attend the entire 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. sessions. However, it is expected that all enrolled students are open during that entire time period for scheduling purposes. No exceptions.

Registration instructions:

CLASS IS CURRENTLY FULL. If you'd like to be put on the waitlist, please complete the registration process and you'll be added.

To register, please go to https://csd99.revtrak.net/ and click on SUMMER PROGRAMS, followed by SUMMER SCHOOL. It will be made available on February 1. From there, fill out all information. For any questions, please email the Summer School Director, Ryan Doherty, at rdoherty@csd99.org or the Summer School Assistant, Vicky Miles, at vmiles@csd99.org.

Please read all of the following information prior to registering.

  1. Student must be 15 years old by June 4, 2023. No exceptions.
  2. Vacations, camps, etc are NOT allowed.  An absence may result in failure to meet State Driver Education guidelines for attendance and of the course. There are no exceptions.
  3. District 99 residents will be charged $250.00 to complete the course and non-residents will be charged $670.00. All payments will be made online (see below).
  4. Once the class begins, no refunds will be issued.
  5. In order to take the class, your student must have their permit prior to the first day of class. Permits cannot be issued more than 30 days before class begins. Information packets permit paperwork, and information on an orientation meeting will be sent out to further guide you on this on May 1. Parents should not move forward with attempting to obtain a permit prior to this date.
  6. Technically, there is no bus service specifically for Driver Ed students.  Regular buses serving summer school arrive prior to the 8am start and depart following the 2pm end of day.  However, as noted above, your student may not be required to start right at 8 AM or stay until 2 PM, based on their individual schedule that day.