District 99 to Hold Informational Session about School Board Membership 2020

District 99 to Hold Informational Session about School Board Membership 2020

On Monday, October 26 at 7:00 p.m., District 99 Board President Dr. Nancy Kupka and District 99 Superintendent of Schools Dr. Hank Thiele will hold an informational session, “What it Means to be a Board Member.” All community members interested in learning more about how our schools are governed and the process to become a school board member are invited to attend. The session will be held virtually. Please contact Hank Thiele at hthiele@csd99.org to register for this event.

“Effective school boards are vital to the ongoing success of our schools,” says Dr. Hank Thiele, superintendent. “We hope to educate more people about the role and expectations of board members, and maybe inspire some to participate in the process.”

The session will cover:

  • What a school member does
  • Why school board members serve
  • Characteristics of effective school board members
  • School board election process and timeline
  • A question and answer session

District 99 is governed by a 7-member Board of Education. Members are elected to represent the voices and opinions of the community and set the policies of the district. They are unpaid volunteers who serve 4-year, staggered terms. In 2021, the terms of four members will expire. 

The filing deadline is December 14, and elections will be held on April 6, 2021.
