Colleges Visiting DGN

The list of college representatives visiting DGN is on Naviance Student. To view the list of colleges/universities or to sign up for a college visit, please see the directions below:

Parents can view a list of college representatives visiting DGN by following these steps.

  1. Log in to Naviance Student
  2. Click on "I'm a guest"
  3. Enter the password "purpleandwhite"
  4. Click on the colleges tab on the left side
  5. Upcoming college visit information can be found on the right side

Students can sign up to meet with college representatives visiting DGN by following these steps.

  1. Log in to Naviance Student.
  2. Click on "Colleges" on the top right side of the screen.
  3. Click on "Research Colleges" and then "College Visits."
  4. Next to the college you choose, click "View Details" and make a note of the date and time.
  5. Click on "Register" on the top right side of the screen.
  6. Pick up the purple pass the morning of the visit from the College and Career Center.